The Internet is Transforming into Something New: are you ready?
Older Internet Websites are becoming Ineffective
Evolving, Small Business Must Change with new Standards and the Emerging Smartphone Dominance of all Searches for Services.
By Thomas R. Reich PhD
It was only 10 years ago that the iPhone smartphone transformed our lives in ways we never thought possible. But like most new technologies, only the tech savvy and the wealthy early adaptors get the first generation of a successful device. Then a cheap knock off is introduced, we all saw millions with those, functional but not the full internet functionality of the iPhone.
Years later Samsung smartphone and others introduced true high tech equivalents to the iPhone, then came the 2 the 3 and so on up the fire prone S7 Plus and now the really cool S8 Edge. We are told the best iPhone smartphone of all will be out for Christmas.
Bottom line, almost everyone now carries the promise of Steven Jobs in our pocket; the power of the entire internet in our pocket. Most of us now have a TV studio, carry our full filing system with us, can watch any how to video sitting in the Dr Office waiting for an appointment, and even watch a movie!
Oh YAHH—We can also search the most powerful and intuitive search engine in the world, now trying to actually provide actual answers to exact questions. So, let’s say your car gets a funny noise while you are driving. No longer do you ask “what could be wrong”. Instead, today you search for an answer right there from your smartphonephone in the car, and click on the call now button when you find the answer to make an appointment.
If this sounds like science fiction, open your eyes, if it surprises you, listen up! The whole way small business has looked at the internet is obsolete or declining. Prospects, for the most part, do not sit at their home computers at night searching for advertising that fits what they need.
Remember that whole IPad thing, well that really did not become a very big part of things outside of business use, and the smart phone replaces its functionality more every day. The fact is the smartphone accounts for about 70 – 80 % of small business services searches today, not tomorrow today!
If a business website is only optimized for desktop, laptop and responsive to IPad and iPhone, you are defiantly losing sales. How can I say that, the logic is simple, the same material written in the same way and displayed the same way simply is not perceived the same on a 5 inch screen as it is on a 24 inch screen?
Today websites must SEO optimize and create content with the mobile smartphone in mind. This means answering real questions in short clear paragraphs whenever possible, providing real information not sales pitches, and for the phone versions – lots and lots of appropriate pictures to the hold interest of an audience viewing on a very small screen.
A ricent report by Forrester revealed the average 25 – 40 year old smartphone users are spending 85% of their time on mobile phones using apps and only 15% in the traditional browsers, even at work. And by far the most popular of those apps are Google, FaceBook, Apple Seri and Bing.
Does this mean that apps are overtaking websites and website based social media and social sharing sites. The answer is no, it is only indicative of how people are getting to those social sites and getting to small business websites, through app versions of popular search engines on their smartphone.
Tim Berners-Lee’s vision way back in 1995 (The inventor of the World Wide Web) saw the web as “an open platform that would allow everyone, everywhere to share information, access opportunities, and collaborate across geographic and cultural boundaries”.
Today advertising on the commercial web is now being by two mega sites, Google and FaceBook. Believe it or not, these two entities have a sustained 90% of all advertising growth on digital platforms. But this does not mean that a small or midsized company must buy PPC on Google or FaceBook. Actually, their monopoly had opened the opportunities for true Deep Content Marketing and Generic Traffic. Fearing regulators and lawsuits similar to recent findings in Europe, the internet has opened up for real and solid information on thousands of websites, not set up as sales landing pages.
Find out more about smartphone searches, Deep Content Marketing and Generic Traffic, building a good quality information rich content based website may be what you need. Contact Cheetah Marketing Group today for a free evaluation, see if Content marketing could be the answer to bring your business cost effective targeted prospects.
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