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Deep Rich Data II Protocols for Content Marketing

Deep Content Marketing from Cheetah Marketing Group

Good Deep Content Marketing Technique Includes Adherence to Cutting Edge Deep Rich Data II

By Dr. Thomas R. Reich

Deep Rich Data Protocols Point a Website to Best Results Search Results Under Google RankBrain

A good Deep Content Marketing Website, following Deep Rich Data II Protocols should be between 50 and 100 pages long for starters and grow from there.  The “Network” should also include Social Media and Social Sharing sites branded to the core company website but used primarily for link sharing.  As a good content website builds it grows to include videos, tutorials, whitepapers and other things that relate directly to the products or services the company represents.

Deep Content Marketing from Cheetah Marketing Group

With an expert website administrated by Cheetah Marketing Group, representing a company, colleagues, and followers, community leaders and most of all prospects begin to look to that company as the information source in the area.  If asked, answer, if asked to speak, oblige and be the one to ultimately guide your sector of the market in new directions and to additional products and services that compliment what you already represent.


By positioning your firm as the expert in the market, with the best source of information on a particular facet of a market on the core of the company website, it does several things:

Deep Content Marketing from Cheetah Marketing Group

1) Your company website now puts your firm in an exceptionally strong position to beat your competitors and win more business as the recognized industry knowledge leader.

Deep Content Marketing from Cheetah Marketing Group

2) It increases the likelihood that when a stranger searches for information on the products or services you sell that the search engine will bring them to your website for the answers.  This is because others they have sent have found answers they sought out and found them on your website.  The more searchers that find the right answers the more traffic Google send you, organically.

Deep Content Marketing from Cheetah Marketing Group

3) Your competition may actually send a prospect to your website to find out information about certain aspect of a service or product that you sell, which is why you do not want to overtly sell within the information articles. By being open information, Google and Bing feel free to send you search traffic without competing with their own PPC (pay per click advertising), and competitors do not feel threatened to send prospects to your website (Big mistake on their part!)  Remember, once that prospect is reading that straight information on the product or service, they are inside your website, sounds foolish of the competition but we have actually seen this happen often!  If you are a prospect and you are finding the answers about a product or service on a particular company’s website, aren’t you at least likely to inquire about the product there?

Deep Content Marketing from Cheetah Marketing Group

4) Your firm positions itself nicely to have a spokes person/expert from the firm invited for speaking engagements to Rotary’s, chambers and industry groups, where exposing your products or services to fellow business people offers you the opportunity for exposure to new prospects. But this is not an opportunity for direct selling; this is an opportunity to encourage the “word of mouth” factor.  The more industry leaders see you at the expert in the market, the more likely they are to recommend you when one of their associates needs a recommendation for what you represent.

Approaching speaking engagements in this way, it takes the pressure off you and the audience, you will be surprised what happens and how much new business results when you are simply telling story’s and explaining the finer parts of products or services, not selling. If you have no speakers in your organization, Cheetah Marketing Group can help, we can train someone or even arrange for a spokesperson to represent you at the events.

Deep Content Marketing from Cheetah Marketing Group

5) Unlike traditional advertising, every piece of information, testominal or video created for the website becomes a long term permanent part of the website, unlike an ad which disappears after a minute of airtime or a day in the newspaper or a month in a magazine.  Though websites need to be constantly be updated, they become a living breathing part of your company, but even a 3 year old blog on a topic of interest will get a few views a month.  As Time goes on and hundreds of pieces of information accumulate, the total views continue to grow and grow.


Cheetah Marketing Group of Central Florida explains social media content

Cheetah Marketing Group can arrange all sorts of videos, podcasts, white papers and other variants to spice up the website and keep the company website network constantly growing. The most important thing about Deep Content Marketing is it must always be growing, changing and being revised.  Only when Google sees activity ongoing will you keep your top search status once achieved, never let a great website go stale!


Deep Rich Data II from Cheetah Marketing Group

Cheetah Marketing Group knows it is important to understand that in today’s fast changing internet and smart phone dominated world, to become a leader for your products or services in your community, your company needs to engage fully in Deep Content Marketing. To this end Dr. Reich and his team developed Deep Rich Data and Deep Rich Data II.  It’s either that or heavy and repetitive advertising for a very long time, a campaign that would cover radio, cable, and print; still you need a good website presents to truly own your market even with a saturation ad campaign.  Both techniques cost money, a budget is necessary for any form of business exposure worth the time to bother with.  But Deep Content Marketing and Deep Rich Data can get a targeted saturation effect over time for about 10% of the cost of a saturation traditional advertising campaign.

Remember, with traditional advertising, prospects do not come in with the first ad; it takes months or years of constant repeats of the same advertising for results. The problem is, today, prospects look first to your website, and if it is not an information core which concentrates on what you represent they are likely to look elsewhere anyway.  The good news is if you build the Deep Content Marketing Website first over time, you will already have a degree of success without traditional advertising. If and when you decide on more traditional advertising, it will be that much more effective with a great website network to land within.

Deep Content Marketing from Cheetah Marketing Group

When you decide in the future to add PPC and traditional advertising the effects will be twice as fast and three times as effective because your name and reputation is already known in the market for exactly what you represent.  Your destination website is now the source of information for what a prospect reacting to an ad you have placed is looking for – WIN WIN!

When you decide Deep Content Marketing might be a direction you wish to investigate, contact Cheetah Marketing Group. For over 30 years, we have created marketing programs for large companies and small alike.  Our content creation is supervised by PhDs and MBAs, and our results are stellar.

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Celebrating 30 years in Orlando and still going strong.

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