How to make a Small Business Look Large with Social Media Content!
Social media content has always been an important part of building a local businesses reputation and brand. Using a properly set up social media network can spread you website content beyond the confines of one location on the internet. You may have heard the term “viral content”, that term is applied to content that is heavily shared throughout social media and beyond.
Social media content becomes even more important, when you consider that the closest many customers will ever get to your place of business may be your website. Using social media content to convey knowledge, authority and reputation is the goal. Let’s look at some ways you can approach social media content to make you small business look larger and more important than it could if you did not use social media content to its best advantage.
#1: Be an Evangelist for Your Product or Service, not a Salesman
Sales people sell directly to their perceived target customers, evangelists are so passionate about what they do – their customers ask them about their products and services before they have to target sell. Make people want to ask you about your niche if you are the perceived expert in your field. The most successful social media content focuses on likeability, credibility and convaying real usable information.
#2: Be an Information Station
Give freely of your advice, and by freely – I mean ‘free.’ Offer all the help you can to your communities in your social media content, and be their niche oracle. Make sure to link back to the core of information about your products and services on your home website. When it comes time for them to buy, you can bet they’ll want to buy from the person that has been helping them all along.
#3: Be a Real Person
While it’s a standard practice to create an online ‘persona,’ you also need to be a real person. People can sense when you’re being fake, so don’t be afraid to throw in some real world stories, advice and know-how in your social media content. Remember that the use of videos, customer referrals and case studies are always good to share.
#4: Be Approachable
We’re constantly told to have authority and to teach, but sometimes this makes us aloof and unapproachable in our social media content. You want your communities to feel like they can ask you any question no matter how trivial. It is important to always come of as a company that loves what they do and are proud to represent the company they work with, no matter what the subject of the post.
#5: Be a Zen Chicken
It’s easy to get defensive when negative comments rear their ugly head, but you need to adopt a ‘Zen chicken’ approach to these attacks. Be cool, calm and assertive and address the problems with a friendly, eager-to-assist tone of voice, or tone of writing. All negative comments, especially from customers must be handled promptly. Do not ever ignore a negative comment or it festers and becomes the thing people remember, even if it can be removed. Your goal it to get the negative replaced with a positive, regardless what it takes within reason.
#6: Don’t Be a Number Cruncher
Number crunchers are obsessed with getting more community members, which is exactly how they alienate the community members they already have! Let the numbers rise naturally, and concentrate on engagement instead.
#7: Admit When You’re Wrong
This goes along with #5 and the Zen Chicken commitment. Sometimes even the most educated authorities get something terribly wrong in their social media content. You have 2 choices here – apologize in good humor, or end up looking like a child who has just dropped their ice cream cone. Make the right choice! Admit that you got something wrong, thank the one who pointed it out (this defuses their authority) correct it and move on. My favorite ones are the “You misspelled XXX, what kind of a marketer misspells XXX”. I would like to say, “oh I don’t know why don’t you ask Microsoft” (Spell check – get it). But that would gain nothing but make the smug writer look like they got under your skin, the best answer is “Oh wow, that slipped by, thanks!”.
#8: Get The Community and prospects Involved
When you get to know your customers and prospects fairly well, you can encourage them to contribute social media content to your social media network. Reward them for the effort, (with acknowledgment, or even a t-shirt or something, its all advertising after all) and you will create a whole new stream of user engagement. The more social media content the more potential engagement with new prospects.
#9: Measure Your Content
Begin to look into the world of analytics and testing of social media content. Use your Google Analytics insights to discover what social media content works best. What makes people respond to your questions? What do they love to talk about? Analytics is an engagement goldmine waiting to be tapped. It’s there, why not use it, or have a firm working for you that looks at this information to help improve your social media content outreach.
#10: Put a Face to the Words
It’s not fair that you can see your fan’s faces, and they can’t see yours. Talking to a logo is not as much fun as talking to a real person. Use your spokespersons face wherever you can in your social media content. Populate your social media network and websites with personal, business – based photos! Now why do this? First, it brings the communications to a more personal level, second when the prospect finally meets you face to face in a sales situation, you are already a familiar face.
Please send us ideas you may have to implement what we have been talking about in your social media content : CLICK HERE, let’s keep this discussion going. This is a fun way to create a major buzz in your market with minimal cost! Now is the time, you have the power, let’s grow your market together!